We give you an inside look at two of their latest studio upgrades, featuring a ton of Omnia, Axia, and Telos Alliance gear!

That "post-installation" feeling felt by the team at Joe FM! Let's take a look at what's behind the scenes...
We'll take you right to the server room, to see where this new magic is happening.
In all, Medialaan installed a total of 11 Omnia.9s, all with the newest MKII upgrade, which includes Livewire+ AES67 I/O, an even more advanced final clipper, and additional logging capabilities. These Omnias now handle ALL audio processing of Joe FM and Qmusic (as well as all other channels on DAB+).
5 Telos Alliance Z/IP Stream R/2s were installed to handle all the station's steams.
In addition to these Telos Alliance xNodes (8 pictured, even more not), they also installed 2 Telos VX Engines! The new VX system allows for VoIP, and the xNodes allow for existing/new inputs/outputs to be linked to the AoIP system!

Finally, to tie everything together, all of these upgrades are monitored and controlled by 2 Axia Pathfinder Core Pro units.

...and now we take you back to why Qmusic is feeling so great! We want to give a special thanks to Medialaan for trusting in our products to deliver the best sound possible.