Rental FM Transmitter set 30Watt
250€/week - 175€/weekend (Friday - Monday)
- 1 x 30Watt stereo FM transmitter
- 1 x dipool
- 1 x 35m coax cable
The FM transmitter installation can easily be installed by yourself, But TVV Sound Project provides the possibility to install the installation at an additional cost.
FM broadcasting stations can only be borrowed in Belgium if they have a valid license.
This permit can be applied for at the VRM.
If a valid license can not be submitted, NO equipment will be rented.

Rental FM Transmitter set 300Watt
325€/week - 250€/weekend (Friday - Monday)
- 1 x 300Watt stereo FM transmitter
- 1 x dipool
- 1 x 35m coax cable
The FM transmitter installation can easily be installed by yourself, But TVV Sound Project provides the possibility to install the installation at an additional cost.
FM broadcasting stations can only be borrowed in Belgium if they have a valid license.
This permit can be applied for at the VRM.
If a valid license can not be submitted, NO equipment will be rented.

Rental Studio Set 1
Price on request
- 1 x Axia IQ8 Mainframe
- 1 x Axia QOR32
- 1 x CanBus Cable
A complete digital studio!There is always the possibility to supply extra cables on request.For CD players, monitors, microphones, etc.
The studio set installation can easily be installed by yourself,
But TVV Sound Project provides the possibility to install the installation at an additional cost

Rental Studio Set 2
Price on request
- 1 x Axia IQ8 Mainframe
- 1 x Axia IQ8 Expensionframe (8 faders extra)
- 1 x Axia QOR32
- 1 x CanBus Cable
A complete digital studio with 16 faders.
There is always the possibility to supply extra cables on request.
For CD players, monitors, microphones, etc.
The studio set installation can easily be installed by yourself,
But TVV Sound Project provides the possibility to install the installation at an additional cost

Rental Audio Processing
175€/week - 75€/weekend (Friday - Monday)
- 1 x Omnia Volt
Killer Omnia FM sound featuring 6 AGC sections (5 multiband + wide-band) , 5 band, time-aligned limiters, Dynamics Engine architecture, the latest low distortion clipper design by Frank Foti, and a high quality composite stereo generator. Dozens of modern presets give you an awesome sound straight out of the box. Run studio side to feed your STL, or generate FM composite at the transmitter.
The Omnia Volt can easily be installed by yourself,
But TVV Sound Project provides the possibility to install the installation at an additional cost

Rental IP Codec
Price on request
- 1 x Telos Z/IP One Codec
Z/IP ONE, the award-winning IP codec from Telos, helps you get the best possible quality from public IP networks and mobile data services; even from connections behind NATs and firewalls. It's the IP codec that drops jaws -- not audio.
The codec can easily be installed by yourself,
But TVV Sound Project provides the possibility to install the installation at an additional cost

Rental IP Streaming
Price on request
- 1 x Telos Z/IP Stream R/1
The professional, one-box streaming appliance
The Pro Stream can easily be installed by yourself,
But TVV Sound Project provides the possibility to install the installation at an additional cost